Roseanna Veilleux
Customer Service Representative
Q : Where were you born?
A : Manchester, NH
Q : How long have you been in the Sarasota area?
A : I work remote from New Hampshire. I have visited a couple times and need to visit more!
Q : Are you a dog person or a cat person?
A : Dog all the way but love my cat
Q : Where is your dream vacation spot?
A : Ireland
Q : Do you enjoy your job and why?
A : I love my job! I feel productive each day and make
a difference in the team.
Q : What are some of your hobbies?
A : Motorcycle riding, gardening, refinish older furniture, volunteer
Q : What is your favorite type of music?
A : 90’s! Classic rock, country.
Q : What is your zodiac sign?
A : Cancer
Q : What is your favorite sport to watch?
A : Football and hockey
Q : Where was your most interesting vacation?
A : Dominican Republic
Q : All-time favorite scary movie?
A : LOL no thank you!
Q : What is something you miss from your childhood?
A : Sunday family dinner
Q: What was your childhood nickname?