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5 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Save Money on Your Car Insurance

Did you know that there are several ways that you can save money on your car insurance policy? If you are looking for ways to reduce your expenses, which who isn't right now, then this is a great place to start.

In this blog post, we will discuss five hidden ways that you can save money on your car insurance. Keep reading to learn more! Everyone has to buy car insurance, but it doesn’t always have to be expensive.

Man holding money in front of a car
5 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Save Money on Your Car Insurance

You know about the most obvious ways to save on car insurance, like keeping a good driving record and paying attention to your claims history, but here are a few you might not know about. By keeping these in mind, you might just find a little extra money in your monthly budget.

Improve your credit score and You Could Save On Your Car Insurance

For many of us, a good credit score means big savings on car insurance. Based on some fuzzy math and a little bit of luck, you could save over $1k each year if your rate moves from Poor to Exceptional!

That’s money that can be spent elsewhere - like more gas for the open road or better protection against an accident with car insurance add-ons. Regardless where you live (unless it's California, Hawaii or Massachusetts), using these tricks may give you sweet returns in no time at all—happy driving everyone!

Bundle Car Insurance and Other Insurance Policies Together to Save Money

Bundling your car insurance and homeowners insurance, for example, can be like a two-for special – but you don't need to own the house to cash in.

Bundling your insurance coverages, whether you're renting or living in a condo, and save an average of 8% on car insurance - homeowners get the biggest bang for their buck (around 10%), while renters still bank 5%.

Keep Yourself Covered Longer Under Your Car Insurance Policy

With just a half-year of coverage, you can experience over 8% in savings. So don't wait--the earlier your start on insurance, the longer you'll enjoy lower rates!

Improve Your Vehicle Safety Rating to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium

Insurance companies like cars that have safety features like anti-lock brakes and airbags, so if you’re driving a car with those types of features, you may get a discount on your car insurance premiums. It's worth checking out because it could add up over time!

Choose a Higher Deductible to Lower Your Car Insurance Costs

By raising your deductible, you can lower your monthly premiums. However, keep in mind that if you do make a claim, it will cost more out of pocket to repair the damage. Make sure you have enough money saved in case of an emergency before deciding on this option.

There you have it! Five ways to save on your car insurance. Be sure to call a Richard Dean Insurance agent today to have us comb through your insurance policy and find ways to save you more money. You could be pleasantly surprised when you start seeing the savings roll in.

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